Fwimmim' Fwimmim' Fwimmim' Bikin' Bikin' Bikin' Runnin' Runnin' Racin' Runnin'

My title is based on my tot's description of a triathlon.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

57, 67 Chevys and ukelele's

Cade is in love with a song he heard in the movie Bridge to Terbithia. Somehow we found the original version of "Someday" by Steve Earle. He loves this song. LOVES it.

Hes taken to surfing youtube for Steve Earle singing the song or someone else singing the song. His favorite verison of the moment is some guy who calls himself "the robba". This guys remixed the song and psuedo raps the lyrics. See below if your curious.

In route to watching for the umpteenth time a version of someday, Cade happened across this video below. Turns out there seems to be a subculture of ukelele playing people on youtube recording cover songs and originals. It's really pretty cool.


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