Fwimmim' Fwimmim' Fwimmim' Bikin' Bikin' Bikin' Runnin' Runnin' Racin' Runnin'

My title is based on my tot's description of a triathlon.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Almost Autumn

So, the season is over. AGAIN. Maybe I need to live somewhere warmer so triathlon season is longer than two weeks like in MN. Yes, we have 10000 lakes, but we can only swim in them when the ice is melted from July 10th to July 25th. OK. I am exaggerating, but not too much.

I am a list maker. A goal maker. Dream maker. Love taker. Don't you mess around with me. Uh, ok. I have ADD too. That song was just too shiny to not be distracting. Back to the goals. Short term. 1 year. 2 year. 5 year. 10 year. lifetime. Well, on a few of the goal lists, I have triathlon specific goals. And marathon goals. And other life stuff. On my tri goal list is to do sprints in a time, Olympic time, and a half Ironman time. I have not gotten to an Ironman time. Just that I want to do one by the time I am 40. Or when I am 40. Not sure. It is on both lists for now. The lists are always on the chopping block.

This year, I had 5 triathlons to do. And two marathons and a duathlon. I have no interest in the du...and no idea why. With regard to the tri's...I had three sprints and two Olympic distances.

And the results are:

Manitou Triathlon 13th in Age Group out of 38.
Lifetime Fitness Triathlon 9th in Age Group out of 89.
Brewhouse Triathlon 5th in Age Group out of 34. Athena was not an option here.
Square Lake Triathlon 2nd of 25 as Athena.
Championship of the Amateur Triathletes DIDN'T Go due to weather...mostly due to not wanting two year old to be sick because his mom was selfish enough to think he could sit out in the rain for 4 hours while she did a tri.

The average swim was SLOW. I avg'd 18 minutes for 1/2 mile.
The average bike is 19.0. The low was 18.5 and the high was 19.9.
The average run is 8. The fastest was 7:31 and the slowest was 9:08 (in 98 degrees at noon at Lifetime Fitness).

When can we do this again? Oh yeah, in 8 months.


At 2:05 PM, Blogger cadesdad said...

Racin' Runnin'

I think you've over looked, or I've underread, but you need to mention your hardware! I'm so so so proud of you! and I am excited for next year!

Speaking of, what ARE your goals for next year?

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

Sounds as if you had a great race season! Isn't it fun planning for the next one, or five or ten? (It never ends, does it!? Let's hope not!)
Great bike and run averages by the way...swim ain't so shabby either!

At 5:25 PM, Blogger cadesdad said...

Triathlon Mama, Where Fore art thou?


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