Fwimmim' Fwimmim' Fwimmim' Bikin' Bikin' Bikin' Runnin' Runnin' Racin' Runnin'

My title is based on my tot's description of a triathlon.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Triathlons and Babies

Triathlons and Babies

So, it has been awhile since my last post. June is a busy month for tri's as well as selling houses. Yesterday, I received an email that I qualified for 'Nationals' for age groupers based on a qualifying sprint that I did on June 11th. Awesome. How fun is that? I didn't even know there was a national competition....or at least at my level. Very cool. BUT, the down side is that I cannot do it. I have too much work and too many other time commitments that to travel there for the national competition in Kansas City is not feasible.

So, tomorrow we are off to OK to visit my parents for a week. They are on 100 acres in OK with about 40 horses and a donkey. It will be so relaxing...I hope to get some good swim run bricks in since I will not have a bike along. Bri and I signed up for a 5k on the morning of the 4th in Tulsa. Having been from there, I figured, what the hell! My mom insisted we take 2 of the days we are there and have dates so she can bond with Cade. So, on the 4th is one of the dates. I did look up the prior year results for the 5k because I have a goal for that particular race too. It is a sub 22 minute time. I am about 23:30 now. Must improve that. However, that said, I am on target for the top three in my age group based on average times for the last few 5k's down there. So, perhaps, I will medal. Now, wouldn't that be fun! I miss occasionally being a big fish in a little pond because I would not have a shot at top three in Minneapolis with that time. NO CHANCE. But outside of the occasional ego boost, the big pond is way way better.

Lifetime Fitness Tri is just around the bend.

Off to OK for a week! YEE HAW!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Triathlons and Babies

Triathlons and Babies
OK, so more than a week has gone by....and here I am finally blogging. So, the last week has entailed several showings of houses with clients, one closing, and many tenant showings for rentals, 5am risings with Cade of 23 mos. and serious runner who is all legs and no arms, picking up poop, cleaning diapers, cleaning litter boxes, trying to get some sort of grass or weed in my yard rather than the mud pie that Cade and the huge 80lb puppies, Calhoun and Harriet, specialize in creating, and somehow get some kind of workout in. The marathon in Fargo left me with a terrible bout of sciatica, which I only had when pregnant. Went to a chiropractor and was adjusted or was I broken? She informed me that I am really tight in the right hip and looser in the left but my pain is in the left, so perhaps my left side is overcompensating for the right side. I told her that could not be right because if it were, I would only be able to run in a circle...but after thinking over the last 10 days, I have only been running in a circle. She may be on to something.

Brian, my spouse, wants to do another long run on Saturday...but my friend, Jane, wants to do her long run on Sunday, and we have all three been training together this winter...and I do not want to do a long run for a marathon. I want to do a brick for the first tri of the season next weekend. So, we are each going our own ways this weekend. And somewhere in there we will also be social, I am sure. Or at least, I hope.

Rode 20 miles today on the trip to a park to meet other mommies and tots for a play date. I am not sure why I bother because Cade The Runner does just that...RUNS. He runs to the street, to the basketball court where the 5th graders are playing and not looking for a tot, to the street and my only perk is that I biked 20 miles. There certainly was not any socializing with other mothers. In fact, that may be ok too as I heard WAY too many times how BIG my child is. UGH. OK OK already. I get it. Everyone else is dwarfed.

What else? Cade is gettting a bath from Dad right now and Dad is tired. I decided to veg out. I poured a double at about 4pm and just tried to hang in there as we were on high speed today. And now I just get to reclean the house from the mud pie backyard. It is a daily task. Not sure what to do. We took on two 50lb dogs, or so we thought and we have two 80 lb dogs. They are 8 months old. We lost a tree last year, so one side of our postage stamp yard is mud from the tree loss and one side is mud from two huge hounds. Hmmm. Well, I am bored of writing and I have nothing else to say...so the assumption is that my writing is boring now as well.

Til next time.